Vernal Folds, 2024

(installation debuted at the WaveCave Gallery, Los Angeles California, spring 2024)

Enter and listen. 

Walk and/or sit. 

You are encouraged to close your eyes

 (masks provided, disposable). 

Reversing in speaker phone. A genealogy of clouds. Keep shoveling, keep breaking it apart, quick, before it melts.

One ticket to _____.

Vernal Folds is composed around moments of sound collected from Portland, Oregon, in December 2023 and Val Verde, California, in January 2024. A recording of the aftermath of a storm as well as a nighttime drive to and from a movie theater was taken in both places. Each field recording was duplicated and then processed in March 2024, creating a distorted mirror of itself. 

Four banks of sounding and silent files, sorted with timbre and density in mind, are being played in semi-random sequences––every recording in each bank is sounded once and then the entire bank is played again in a different order. The banks are sent to their own stereo pair of speakers (eight channels). The sounds exist asynchronously, layered in the air. Vernal Folds is the second entry into a sound series in which time and place are enfolded presently in auditory experiences both real and actual.